i'm back everyone.....
i finally back haha^^
actually i lazy to update blog..
so lazy...
cause i spent time to enjoy my honeymoon....
cause i lazy to log in and wait for it to load...
by the way, i dont want my blog to be quiet again....
i told myself i must update it...
no matter how busy am i....
no matter my blog is visited by people or not....
cause this is the only way to express my feeling....
i wanted to tell everybody my feeling by blog....
sometimes i might not telling something by my mouth....
but i hope to transfer my message from here....
hope my friends can get it.....
dont know why suddently i felt i'm alone....
even i do have friends over Kampar here....
but sometimes i still felt i'm lonely....
sometimes i really cant get their idea...
and so i had been left out.....
T.T i dont want this....
and also suddently felt something....
i need love from someone....
can anybody give me???
no matter what love is that....
boys and girls relationship that love...
or even friends love....
or maybe parents that kind of love??
i do need love!!!!!!!!!!
all of you, please dont be stingy....
spent some of your love to me....
i really need love.....
i do need boys and girls love too.....
i wonder who can give me@@...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
celebrate mooncake festival~
yesterday night nothing to do...
so i caaled my friend out to dinner or yam cha.....
but my friend said since the day is mooncake day....
so we just celebrate it......
we decide to go pandan indah field to play de.....
but there really no people....
scare later rob by thief........
so we change to yam cha at gobi.....
once i reach there the other gang arrived......
i just told him said no ppl there so we had to change plan........
he just suggest later go his house celebrate and burning candle....
after we stay at gobi there bout 1 hour ++........
we go his house to burn candle.......^^
really funny thing happended.....
my friend go and stick candle over the road sign board there........
then he go and light it up took photo somemore..........==
by the way........
we really do burn candle....
not by light the candle up but burning the canhdle 1 by 1.......==
the video also uploaded by our camera man...... vernon==
gbut the video didn't show us really burn the candle.....
because our camera man's phone no battery.......
cant record anymore.....lol==
but this really funny and.....
actually this is not a good things to play like us.........
so we better not to play always.....
but oni 1 year once ok lah...^^hehe
so i caaled my friend out to dinner or yam cha.....
but my friend said since the day is mooncake day....
so we just celebrate it......
we decide to go pandan indah field to play de.....
but there really no people....
scare later rob by thief........
so we change to yam cha at gobi.....
once i reach there the other gang arrived......
i just told him said no ppl there so we had to change plan........
he just suggest later go his house celebrate and burning candle....
after we stay at gobi there bout 1 hour ++........
we go his house to burn candle.......^^
really funny thing happended.....
my friend go and stick candle over the road sign board there........
then he go and light it up took photo somemore..........==
by the way........
we really do burn candle....
not by light the candle up but burning the canhdle 1 by 1.......==
the video also uploaded by our camera man...... vernon==
gbut the video didn't show us really burn the candle.....
because our camera man's phone no battery.......
cant record anymore.....lol==
but this really funny and.....
actually this is not a good things to play like us.........
so we better not to play always.....
but oni 1 year once ok lah...^^hehe
Thursday, October 1, 2009
THe EVent THAt mAde Me caNT enJoY THe tRIp is.......
I LOSS MY PURSE.....ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alL my ImPorTant doCumenT anD carDs aRE inSide it....
All LOSs....... WTH........
I AlMosT fAINt....
THIs IS mY 2nD lOSs MY puRse......
I dUNwAnt THIs HapPEnd To me buT y it REaLLy HaPPeND oN me??!!
whaT I haD DOne WRong??!!
why TreAt ME lIKE thAt??!!
I LOSS MY PURSE.....ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alL my ImPorTant doCumenT anD carDs aRE inSide it....
All LOSs....... WTH........
I AlMosT fAINt....
THIs IS mY 2nD lOSs MY puRse......
I dUNwAnt THIs HapPEnd To me buT y it REaLLy HaPPeND oN me??!!
whaT I haD DOne WRong??!!
why TreAt ME lIKE thAt??!!
gEntIng TrIp
TueSday, 29th SepTEmbEr 2009........
i wEnt to geNting WitH mY fRIeNd......
thIs geNting Trip wIlL sTAY AbOUT 3 DAYS 2 nIgHt.......
beFore we wENt genTing,
we SpenD 1 dAy To puRchaSE TIp bITS >
tuEsdaY moRning...........
wE aRrIVed PudUrayA boUt 10.20am.....
wE hOPE tO bUY ThE TIcKET fOR tiME 11.30am Go GentIng........
buT iT soLD oUT ==ll
SO We bOugHt 12.30pm bUS><
wE dO nTh IN bETweEn thAt 2 HouR......
sO wE weNT to MC DONALD..... for ntH><
FinaLLy wE ArrIvED sKyWaY.....
thE viEw OveR THeRe reALLY niCe.........^^
wE gET oNTo tHE caBle caR anD tOok A Lot pHoTo.....
thE miSt GeTTinG stROngEr OnCe We ARe At HIgHEr AreA......
wE arRivEd gENtiNg thEre AfTER 20miNs.....(boUT 2.00pm)
wE thEN gO joIn aNothER frIEND fRom JB........
aFter thAt we RegiSter For RoOM....
BuT we Still NeeD to WaiT 200++ pEoPle==
sO We WenT to EaT LunCh..... KFC.....==
afTER thAT We WEnt GENtING gaRDen sNAP pHOto.....
laStlY wE gEt Our RoOm kEy(^^huRRay)
we drOp oUr bAg anD wENt To PlaY.....
boUT 10pm wE oni GO bACk to OuR RoOm.....
thIS iS my FirSt tiME ShoWeR so LAte...><
afTER THaT We plaY minI gAmes.... daMn fUnNy^^
wE wEnt TO thEMe pArk ON thE NexT dAY.......
OUtDOor ANd INdoor........
quIT eNjoY.... fiNAlLy i maNaged TO rIDe RoLLeR cOASteR^^
thE fUNnY tHIng IS we Go For BuMPER cAr NOn StOP 3 tiMEs...==lll
bUt 2nd daY REaLlY hapPEnD sOmeTHiNG THaT DISaPPoINT uS......
wE woKe uP aT 8.20am mORning On tHe 3rd DAy....
oNe OF us NeED to Go bAcK To JB boUT 10am....
buT wE AlsO foLlOW hIm Go BAcK KL EarLY.........
thE reAllY sWEaT thIng IS
wE boUGht aLl thoSe tiP biTs caNT fINIsH..==ll
ON tHE waY gOIng bacK To KL........
my frIeND and i fELt LIke TO vOMit
BECAuse OF thAt buS anD alsO thE roAD.......ZZzzZz
Bout 1.30PM I reAcH HOme ANd STaRT To buSy...
BUSy wiTh thE baG...
bUSy wiTh mY clOThes...==ll
vEli FunNY anD JOYfUlL GentINg TRiP....^^
BUt thERe aRe 1 evNET THat MAke mE canT enJoy THe triP....
i wEnt to geNting WitH mY fRIeNd......
thIs geNting Trip wIlL sTAY AbOUT 3 DAYS 2 nIgHt.......
beFore we wENt genTing,
we SpenD 1 dAy To puRchaSE TIp bITS >
tuEsdaY moRning...........
wE aRrIVed PudUrayA boUt 10.20am.....
wE hOPE tO bUY ThE TIcKET fOR tiME 11.30am Go GentIng........
buT iT soLD oUT ==ll
SO We bOugHt 12.30pm bUS><
wE dO nTh IN bETweEn thAt 2 HouR......
sO wE weNT to MC DONALD..... for ntH><
FinaLLy wE ArrIvED sKyWaY.....
thE viEw OveR THeRe reALLY niCe.........^^
wE gET oNTo tHE caBle caR anD tOok A Lot pHoTo.....
thE miSt GeTTinG stROngEr OnCe We ARe At HIgHEr AreA......
wE arRivEd gENtiNg thEre AfTER 20miNs.....(boUT 2.00pm)
wE thEN gO joIn aNothER frIEND fRom JB........
aFter thAt we RegiSter For RoOM....
BuT we Still NeeD to WaiT 200++ pEoPle==
sO We WenT to EaT LunCh..... KFC.....==
afTER thAT We WEnt GENtING gaRDen sNAP pHOto.....
laStlY wE gEt Our RoOm kEy(^^huRRay)
we drOp oUr bAg anD wENt To PlaY.....
boUT 10pm wE oni GO bACk to OuR RoOm.....
thIS iS my FirSt tiME ShoWeR so LAte...><
afTER THaT We plaY minI gAmes.... daMn fUnNy^^
wE wEnt TO thEMe pArk ON thE NexT dAY.......
OUtDOor ANd INdoor........
quIT eNjoY.... fiNAlLy i maNaged TO rIDe RoLLeR cOASteR^^
thE fUNnY tHIng IS we Go For BuMPER cAr NOn StOP 3 tiMEs...==lll
bUt 2nd daY REaLlY hapPEnD sOmeTHiNG THaT DISaPPoINT uS......
wE woKe uP aT 8.20am mORning On tHe 3rd DAy....
oNe OF us NeED to Go bAcK To JB boUT 10am....
buT wE AlsO foLlOW hIm Go BAcK KL EarLY.........
thE reAllY sWEaT thIng IS
wE boUGht aLl thoSe tiP biTs caNT fINIsH..==ll
ON tHE waY gOIng bacK To KL........
my frIeND and i fELt LIke TO vOMit
BECAuse OF thAt buS anD alsO thE roAD.......ZZzzZz
Bout 1.30PM I reAcH HOme ANd STaRT To buSy...
BUSy wiTh thE baG...
bUSy wiTh mY clOThes...==ll
vEli FunNY anD JOYfUlL GentINg TRiP....^^
BUt thERe aRe 1 evNET THat MAke mE canT enJoy THe triP....
Friday, September 25, 2009
bad mood~
today really bad mood~
actuaLLY is this 2 days i also bad mood le.....
because of my mum....
i also sem break le......
go for some trip is just normal stuff......
i suffer 3++ months ler.....
now only go some trip is just normal ma....
go 2 trip is just normal right??!!
but she not allowed oh.........
never mind lor.....
she said i just can go either 1 trip..........
genting or penang batu feringgi.....
i really dunno how.....
but i sure i will go genting....
because i promise with friend i will go edi.....
but i also wish to go penang trip too...
i want to have a last memorAble TE1.....
both i also choose to go......
but she scolded me.....
i dont want go last time during i study.....
but you call me to go trip at ipoh pula......
now i sem break already.....
want go anywhere also can..........
but you just control me not allow i go.....
what you with that oh??!!
ok.... fine.........
i choose to go 1 trip only enough??!!
lastly add 1 more to hurt me......
guess what my mum said??!!
she said..........
"i believe u enjoy your life there everyday playing and going out with friends..... not study there....."
you though i can split myself into 2 ah??!!
i even no time to eat my meal also......
how i go enjoy life there??!!
somemore said i play there EVERYDAY???!!!
if i can i will.... but i cant.....
this is a mother should have towards her daughter??!!
i wonder........
how good and caring is this mother.........
actuaLLY is this 2 days i also bad mood le.....
because of my mum....
i also sem break le......
go for some trip is just normal stuff......
i suffer 3++ months ler.....
now only go some trip is just normal ma....
go 2 trip is just normal right??!!
but she not allowed oh.........
never mind lor.....
she said i just can go either 1 trip..........
genting or penang batu feringgi.....
i really dunno how.....
but i sure i will go genting....
because i promise with friend i will go edi.....
but i also wish to go penang trip too...
i want to have a last memorAble TE1.....
both i also choose to go......
but she scolded me.....
i dont want go last time during i study.....
but you call me to go trip at ipoh pula......
now i sem break already.....
want go anywhere also can..........
but you just control me not allow i go.....
what you with that oh??!!
ok.... fine.........
i choose to go 1 trip only enough??!!
lastly add 1 more to hurt me......
guess what my mum said??!!
she said..........
"i believe u enjoy your life there everyday playing and going out with friends..... not study there....."
you though i can split myself into 2 ah??!!
i even no time to eat my meal also......
how i go enjoy life there??!!
somemore said i play there EVERYDAY???!!!
if i can i will.... but i cant.....
this is a mother should have towards her daughter??!!
i wonder........
how good and caring is this mother.........
Thursday, September 24, 2009
today really a sweat day.......
==ll ==ll ==ll
sweat dao~.......
this morning i discuss with my friend.......
discuss about how to organise a primary school gathering......
1 of my friend~ vernon.....
he suggest we go gathering at pandan indah de coffee shop....
but i argue with him.....
i said alot of them around ampang area......
so better we go ampang there gathering......
1 of my other friend......
he said we can go steamboat......
but didn't give any idea bout where to steamboat.......
1 friend.....
she suggest the place liao.....
but no people can go there.....
because no transport.....
i suggest 1 place again......
but i only realise from vernon.......
the shop closed.....
at last we plan to go pandan indah too......
the same coffee shop vernon suggest just now......
==ll ==ll ==ll
sweat dao~.......
this morning i discuss with my friend.......
discuss about how to organise a primary school gathering......
1 of my friend~ vernon.....
he suggest we go gathering at pandan indah de coffee shop....
but i argue with him.....
i said alot of them around ampang area......
so better we go ampang there gathering......
1 of my other friend......
he said we can go steamboat......
but didn't give any idea bout where to steamboat.......
1 friend.....
she suggest the place liao.....
but no people can go there.....
because no transport.....
i suggest 1 place again......
but i only realise from vernon.......
the shop closed.....
at last we plan to go pandan indah too......
the same coffee shop vernon suggest just now......
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sem bReaK lOr!!!!!!!!!
aND thiS alsO mEan we HavE to SepaRAte......
sEpaRatE fOR a MonTh.......
a MOnTh iS qUitE a lOng TimE.....
BuT i hOpe I CaN EnJoY tHIs 1 MonTh hOlIDay......
eVen We hAve To SePArAte wHEN oUr nExT Sem......
bUt We sTIlL cAn HoLD On Our FrieNDsHiP..........
oUr fRIendShIp caN bE hoLD oN bY evEryThiNg..........
cHiT cHat OnLiNE??!!
ComE oUt GatHErinG??!!
dO cOuRsE WoRk TOgEthEr??!!
oR maYb We cAn Go Out For A tRip tOo??!!
DonT ThINk so NeGAtivEly.........
We MusT aPpRecIAte EveRy MomeNt......
The MomeNT We gAthEr ToGeTHer.....
The MoMenT We CrAzy tOgETher.....
The MoMeNT We dO oUR wORk tOGetHER....
tHE moMeNT wE sOLvE PrOBleM tOgEtheR..........
Sem bReaK lOr!!!!!!!!!
aND thiS alsO mEan we HavE to SepaRAte......
sEpaRatE fOR a MonTh.......
a MOnTh iS qUitE a lOng TimE.....
BuT i hOpe I CaN EnJoY tHIs 1 MonTh hOlIDay......
eVen We hAve To SePArAte wHEN oUr nExT Sem......
bUt We sTIlL cAn HoLD On Our FrieNDsHiP..........
oUr fRIendShIp caN bE hoLD oN bY evEryThiNg..........
cHiT cHat OnLiNE??!!
ComE oUt GatHErinG??!!
dO cOuRsE WoRk TOgEthEr??!!
oR maYb We cAn Go Out For A tRip tOo??!!
DonT ThINk so NeGAtivEly.........
We MusT aPpRecIAte EveRy MomeNt......
The MomeNT We gAthEr ToGeTHer.....
The MoMenT We CrAzy tOgETher.....
The MoMeNT We dO oUR wORk tOGetHER....
tHE moMeNT wE sOLvE PrOBleM tOgEtheR..........
Sunday, September 13, 2009
final exam~
sien ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
non stop studying all the subject....
this really made me felt exhausted.....
i never been study for 2 weeks.....
is NON-STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what the??!!
i had my normal lifestyle to abnormal....
just like the previous post......
i was abnormal.......
for this final,,,,,
i made my effort try to do it best.....
but i was so worried about my final exam.....
i scare i cant score well....
i scare i cant pass any 1 of the 6 subjects....
i scare.....
i worry.....
i wonder......
i must take back my normal lifestyle during sem break...(hope so)
i think i will be available at kl on 20th....
if my classmates here didn't organise any trip.....
i will be less posting any post here after this post.....
i will be back after my test has end....
hope to see u all soon...
I WILL BE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I COMING!!!!!!!! EXAM!!!!!!!!
non stop studying all the subject....
this really made me felt exhausted.....
i never been study for 2 weeks.....
is NON-STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what the??!!
i had my normal lifestyle to abnormal....
just like the previous post......
i was abnormal.......
for this final,,,,,
i made my effort try to do it best.....
but i was so worried about my final exam.....
i scare i cant score well....
i scare i cant pass any 1 of the 6 subjects....
i scare.....
i worry.....
i wonder......
i must take back my normal lifestyle during sem break...(hope so)
i think i will be available at kl on 20th....
if my classmates here didn't organise any trip.....
i will be less posting any post here after this post.....
i will be back after my test has end....
hope to see u all soon...
I WILL BE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I COMING!!!!!!!! EXAM!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
y recently i easily touched??!!
y recently i easily cried??!!
i can cry because of 1 frienndship related msg....
i can suddently cry.....
just because of i think of my parents....
y recently i become unusual like this??!!
what happened to me??!!
y nowadays i so easily get hurt??!!
y i so unusual like that??!!
y i felt lonely at kampar??!!
even i nothing to do at kl...
but i still felt there is better than here, kampar....
aT least i got parents....
but at kampar i felt lonely.....
even i got friends....
i still felt lonely and alone-ing......
y my day become so unusual nowadays??!!
y now i only felt lonely and alone-ing??!!
y now i only felt homesick??!!
y recently i easily touched??!!
y recently i cried so much??!!
i wonder.............
y recently i easily cried??!!
i can cry because of 1 frienndship related msg....
i can suddently cry.....
just because of i think of my parents....
y recently i become unusual like this??!!
what happened to me??!!
y nowadays i so easily get hurt??!!
y i so unusual like that??!!
y i felt lonely at kampar??!!
even i nothing to do at kl...
but i still felt there is better than here, kampar....
aT least i got parents....
but at kampar i felt lonely.....
even i got friends....
i still felt lonely and alone-ing......
y my day become so unusual nowadays??!!
y now i only felt lonely and alone-ing??!!
y now i only felt homesick??!!
y recently i easily touched??!!
y recently i cried so much??!!
i wonder.............
Thursday, September 3, 2009
cry again....
i received a msg from my friend....
"when there is wind,
our friendship will grow stronger;
when there is cloud,
our friendship will be preserved;
when there is sun,
our friendship will never fade;
when there is moon,
our friendship will be brighten;
when there is still a breath of mine,
our friendship will never end...."
== i cry again.....
"when there is wind,
our friendship will grow stronger;
when there is cloud,
our friendship will be preserved;
when there is sun,
our friendship will never fade;
when there is moon,
our friendship will be brighten;
when there is still a breath of mine,
our friendship will never end...."
== i cry again.....
this is the 1st time i get sick when i'm alone at kampar studying......
the story is like this....
i got a class on thursday night from 6pm till 8pm......
the class oni half fulled....
this is because the class today is only a revision class....
so many people did not bother the class and absent....
but i did go to the class just now.....
since there are not many students there....
the lecture hall air cond temp too low.....
so i felt very cool in the hall....
once i finished the class....
i went out to hall and ready to take bus go back to hostel....
the environment outside the hall warm.....
but i din realise the problem slowly come to me.....
once i get onto the bus....
the air cond they set is too low again......
this make me felt cool again.....
even i close the air cond hole.....
but there are still 1 air cond facing me indirectly.....
i was shaking all the way back to my hostel....
once i get off from the bus....
i felt warm again....
but on the way i walk back to hostel....
i felt dizzy......
i tot that is not a problem so i continue to walk back to hostel....
but once i finished shower.....
i felt my whole body very hot....
my head like want to burst after that shower.....
i tot that was nothing too...
so i continue to eat my 'dinner'.....
after few minute i finished my 'dinner'....
i felt i really having fever.... but i'm not sure.... ==
so i called back to ask my mum....
she told me i really fall in sick.....
she remind me so many times remember to eat medicine....
finally i cried.....
this really seldom happened on me.....
i dont know why i cried....
but once i heard my mum voice.....
i felt like i'm very lonely now.....
plus i'm sick.....
usually i sick my parent will beside me de.....
but now?... somemore the test is around the corner.....
i must work hard on it....
my brother also birthday today......
so i sms-ed him wish him happy birthday......
u all know wad he reply back?....
he called me to 'study hard n not to force urself'......
i touched once more......
i continue to cry non stop......
even my head was spinning and pain....
but i still can felt my parents was too caring to me.....
i felt i'm very lucky to born in this family......
i really appreciate it....
even we may argue sometimes......
but i felt i'm the luckiest in this world.....
so i cry cry non stop.... even now i still crying too....
NON STOP.......
sorry if i wrote something wrong...
because i really dizzy and headache now....
the story is like this....
i got a class on thursday night from 6pm till 8pm......
the class oni half fulled....
this is because the class today is only a revision class....
so many people did not bother the class and absent....
but i did go to the class just now.....
since there are not many students there....
the lecture hall air cond temp too low.....
so i felt very cool in the hall....
once i finished the class....
i went out to hall and ready to take bus go back to hostel....
the environment outside the hall warm.....
but i din realise the problem slowly come to me.....
once i get onto the bus....
the air cond they set is too low again......
this make me felt cool again.....
even i close the air cond hole.....
but there are still 1 air cond facing me indirectly.....
i was shaking all the way back to my hostel....
once i get off from the bus....
i felt warm again....
but on the way i walk back to hostel....
i felt dizzy......
i tot that is not a problem so i continue to walk back to hostel....
but once i finished shower.....
i felt my whole body very hot....
my head like want to burst after that shower.....
i tot that was nothing too...
so i continue to eat my 'dinner'.....
after few minute i finished my 'dinner'....
i felt i really having fever.... but i'm not sure.... ==
so i called back to ask my mum....
she told me i really fall in sick.....
she remind me so many times remember to eat medicine....
finally i cried.....
this really seldom happened on me.....
i dont know why i cried....
but once i heard my mum voice.....
i felt like i'm very lonely now.....
plus i'm sick.....
usually i sick my parent will beside me de.....
but now?... somemore the test is around the corner.....
i must work hard on it....
my brother also birthday today......
so i sms-ed him wish him happy birthday......
u all know wad he reply back?....
he called me to 'study hard n not to force urself'......
i touched once more......
i continue to cry non stop......
even my head was spinning and pain....
but i still can felt my parents was too caring to me.....
i felt i'm very lucky to born in this family......
i really appreciate it....
even we may argue sometimes......
but i felt i'm the luckiest in this world.....
so i cry cry non stop.... even now i still crying too....
NON STOP.......
sorry if i wrote something wrong...
because i really dizzy and headache now....
Saturday, August 29, 2009
what is friends?
i felt very upset now...
because i come back to kl....
i nth to do with my friends....
i tot my friends will call me hang out....
how i know this will happened on me?......
i feli reli upset plus fed up now......
i dunno what to said....
just felt really really upset.....
from this event onwards....
i start to lose confident on my KL friends...
last time i came back to KL also same like this.....
they din't bother me and just continue their work....
actually i got alot stuff want to share with u all....
i need someone to hear me.....
but all of u did not bother me....
UPSET + FED UP.............T.T
because i come back to kl....
i nth to do with my friends....
i tot my friends will call me hang out....
how i know this will happened on me?......
i feli reli upset plus fed up now......
i dunno what to said....
just felt really really upset.....
from this event onwards....
i start to lose confident on my KL friends...
last time i came back to KL also same like this.....
they din't bother me and just continue their work....
actually i got alot stuff want to share with u all....
i need someone to hear me.....
but all of u did not bother me....
UPSET + FED UP.............T.T
~on coming final exam~
final exam is just around the corner.....
i'm worrying about my studies....
i scare i cant score well in final exam later....
if that really happen on me....
i'm going to crazy soon.....
because my parents spend a lot money on me.....
just for me to go university...
i just try to imagine...
if i really need to repeat either 1 of the subject.........
if i really need to repeat either 1 of the subject.........
what will happen to me and my parents??!!....
my parent told me not to stress myself....
if not later get crazy on study....
not worth to let myself going crazy because of study....
but once i heard my parents said this to me....
i more stress.......
becasue i dont want my parent feel disappoint.....
i scare....
i worry....
i really dont want these happen on me......
God... save me.....
Sunday, August 23, 2009

wE madE tHAT bEfoRe wE stArt Our pRacTical sESsIOn...
SOrRY tHAt I rEAlLy canT rEMemBer whO arE STanDinG...........
BeSidE Li yEn anD hSueH yINg.....
jUSt To lEt mE KnOw if U Are The OnE....
thanKS ya^^.... (finally i know who is the 1 stand beside li yen and hsueh ying)(paiseh ya jin yee><)
HoPE our FRiENdSHiP cAN HOld On ForEver....
anD we NeVEr ChaN gE ANymOre........
dOnt BeCAUsE oF SoME pRObLEm....
we DIsMisS........
thAt Is nOT woRth To giVe uP oUr FRienDshIp....
i TrY to Be A VoLUnTeEr heRe.....
iF we Did SOmeTHiNG WrONG...
we JusT tRy to ForGIvE THe 1 CAn?
i dOnt wANT tO sEe ouR frIendSHiP LeAK....(dunno how to say that word)(paiseh><)
SOrRY tHAt I rEAlLy canT rEMemBer whO arE STanDinG...........
BeSidE Li yEn anD hSueH yINg.....
jUSt To lEt mE KnOw if U Are The OnE....
thanKS ya^^.... (finally i know who is the 1 stand beside li yen and hsueh ying)(paiseh ya jin yee><)
HoPE our FRiENdSHiP cAN HOld On ForEver....
anD we NeVEr ChaN gE ANymOre........
dOnt BeCAUsE oF SoME pRObLEm....
we DIsMisS........
thAt Is nOT woRth To giVe uP oUr FRienDshIp....
i TrY to Be A VoLUnTeEr heRe.....
iF we Did SOmeTHiNG WrONG...
we JusT tRy to ForGIvE THe 1 CAn?
i dOnt wANT tO sEe ouR frIendSHiP LeAK....(dunno how to say that word)(paiseh><)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Things girls don't realize....
1. Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer than you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.
2. Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
3. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
4. Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him.
5. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're going for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method.
6. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
7. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.
8. Guys don't care how gorgeous you are, if you're a bitch Goodbye.
9. Giving a guy a hanging message like 'You know what?!..uh...nevermind..' would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
10. Girls are guys' weaknesses.
11. Guys are very open about themselves.
12. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
13. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
14. Guys love you more than you love them.
15. Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole hell of a lot.
16. No matter how much guys talk about butts and boobs, personality is key.
17. Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped.
18. Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.
19. If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
20. If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside.
21. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.
22. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, 'Please come and listen to me.'
23. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
24. When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them.
25. When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.
26. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
27. Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.
28. Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.
29. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.
30. A guy would give his right nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
31. No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.
32. Not all guys are jerks. Just because ONE is a jackass doesn't mean he represents ALL of them.
33. They love it when girls talk about their boobs. haha it's true..
34. When a guy hits your butt it means that he wants you sexually
35. Even if they refuse it all guys are ticklish on the ribs.
36. Guys love neck rubs and if he lets you keep doing it ..it means that he really likes you or his neck really hurts.
37. When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.
38. Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life.
2. Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
3. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
4. Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him.
5. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're going for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method.
6. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
7. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.
8. Guys don't care how gorgeous you are, if you're a bitch Goodbye.
9. Giving a guy a hanging message like 'You know what?!..uh...nevermind..' would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
10. Girls are guys' weaknesses.
11. Guys are very open about themselves.
12. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
13. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
14. Guys love you more than you love them.
15. Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole hell of a lot.
16. No matter how much guys talk about butts and boobs, personality is key.
17. Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped.
18. Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.
19. If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
20. If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside.
21. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.
22. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, 'Please come and listen to me.'
23. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
24. When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them.
25. When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.
26. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
27. Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.
28. Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.
29. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.
30. A guy would give his right nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
31. No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.
32. Not all guys are jerks. Just because ONE is a jackass doesn't mean he represents ALL of them.
33. They love it when girls talk about their boobs. haha it's true..
34. When a guy hits your butt it means that he wants you sexually
35. Even if they refuse it all guys are ticklish on the ribs.
36. Guys love neck rubs and if he lets you keep doing it ..it means that he really likes you or his neck really hurts.
37. When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.
38. Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
nO moRe prIvaCy...............
whY aLl mY StuFf exPoseD?
Why evErYboDy KnoW whAt i Am thInkInG BoUt NOw?
WHERe Did TheY kNeW iT frOm?
sO scArY.......=.=lllll
pLuS 1 oF mY fRiEnd miSuNDeRsTAnd me.......
I haVe NO fEeliNG tOWArdS hIm lAh........
Y u aLl lEt HiM KnOW thAt?
thIs maDe uS No mOrE CHaNCe tO chAT..........
nOt EVen CHat fOR 1 minUteS.....
mY frIENds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jUSt waNt tO leT u AlL kNow.........
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
whY aLl mY StuFf exPoseD?
Why evErYboDy KnoW whAt i Am thInkInG BoUt NOw?
WHERe Did TheY kNeW iT frOm?
sO scArY.......=.=lllll
pLuS 1 oF mY fRiEnd miSuNDeRsTAnd me.......
I haVe NO fEeliNG tOWArdS hIm lAh........
Y u aLl lEt HiM KnOW thAt?
thIs maDe uS No mOrE CHaNCe tO chAT..........
nOt EVen CHat fOR 1 minUteS.....
mY frIENds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jUSt waNt tO leT u AlL kNow.........
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
afTer thE tesT wAS PAsseD....
i FelT sO FreE....
anD toDay i Got fReE tiME duRinG afTerNoOn.....
sO i weNt gYm rOom WitH mY fRiEnd....
i FelT So hApPy anD exCitEd bEcuaSE.....
fInaLly i weNt tO gYm rOom iN mY uniVerSitY....
aLthoUgh tHE gyM rOoM Is noT biG....
bUt thErE aRE stIlL mAny StuFf......
i stAy thErE AboUt 2 HouRs......
i Can FeeL I wAs eXhaUsTed....
bEcaUsE i PlaYeD 4 DIfFERenT sTufF.....
iN toTaL i bUrn 150++ CalOrIES.....
haHa....verY haPpY^^
buT isTiLl hAve soMetHing MAdE Me UnhAPpY....
i Was FoOleD bY mY frIenD....
He toTalLy foRgoT ouR promISeS......=.=llll
i FelT sO FreE....
anD toDay i Got fReE tiME duRinG afTerNoOn.....
sO i weNt gYm rOom WitH mY fRiEnd....
i FelT So hApPy anD exCitEd bEcuaSE.....
fInaLly i weNt tO gYm rOom iN mY uniVerSitY....
aLthoUgh tHE gyM rOoM Is noT biG....
bUt thErE aRE stIlL mAny StuFf......
i stAy thErE AboUt 2 HouRs......
i Can FeeL I wAs eXhaUsTed....
bEcaUsE i PlaYeD 4 DIfFERenT sTufF.....
iN toTaL i bUrn 150++ CalOrIES.....
haHa....verY haPpY^^
buT isTiLl hAve soMetHing MAdE Me UnhAPpY....
i Was FoOleD bY mY frIenD....
He toTalLy foRgoT ouR promISeS......=.=llll
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
coLouRing ExpEriMent~
tOdaY wE HaD OUr CHeMIsTRy exPerImeNt....
thE exPeriMenT is JusT eAsy....
juSt colOuRiNg.....haHa....
JusT jOKE.....
i DonT knOw hoW tO diScrIbE THe EXpERiMEnt bUt......
It Is JUsT eaSy tO dO.....
ANd thE coLouR oF thE soLutiOn pRoduCed wAS so AtTRactIVe.....

tHe coLoUR So nIcE....
afTer thE cOLouRing ExpEriMent....
i FelT sO dEpREsS....
BecaUse thEre iS a teSt coMiNg In The nOon....
i Was woRrieD aboUt mY teSt.....
tHE teSt iS maTheMAtiCs....
aCtuAlLy i CanT fIniSh rEad stUdY It...
But I FOrCEd mySelf To fiNish iT....
sO It MEAns eVen I gOT stUdY....
Is EqUAL tO noThIng....
bEcAuse I JusT RuN tHroUgH It...
NoT ReAlLy sTudY It....=.=lll
jUsT foRcING mYseLF TO fINIsH STuDY The mAThs...
I Just slEpt bOUt 4 HouRs......
miDniGht 1.00Am sLEpT uNtiL 5aM i Get Up aGAin.....
RealLy tIREd anD exhAusTEd....
bEfOrE I sAt thE tEst....
i Saw sOMEthIng SpINnIng AroUnd....
I alSo hAviNG HEaDAChE THAt tiMe.....
luCkiLy nOw AlL THe TESt wE FInISh sAT.....
NOw reLax-InG~ ^^
bY tHE wAy.... We fiNisHED sAt alL thE teSt...
mEans We goIng tO siT FOr fInaL SoOn....
sOb T.T
thE exPeriMenT is JusT eAsy....
juSt colOuRiNg.....haHa....
JusT jOKE.....
i DonT knOw hoW tO diScrIbE THe EXpERiMEnt bUt......
It Is JUsT eaSy tO dO.....
ANd thE coLouR oF thE soLutiOn pRoduCed wAS so AtTRactIVe.....
i FelT sO dEpREsS....
BecaUse thEre iS a teSt coMiNg In The nOon....
i Was woRrieD aboUt mY teSt.....
tHE teSt iS maTheMAtiCs....
aCtuAlLy i CanT fIniSh rEad stUdY It...
But I FOrCEd mySelf To fiNish iT....
sO It MEAns eVen I gOT stUdY....
Is EqUAL tO noThIng....
bEcAuse I JusT RuN tHroUgH It...
NoT ReAlLy sTudY It....=.=lll
jUsT foRcING mYseLF TO fINIsH STuDY The mAThs...
I Just slEpt bOUt 4 HouRs......
miDniGht 1.00Am sLEpT uNtiL 5aM i Get Up aGAin.....
RealLy tIREd anD exhAusTEd....
bEfOrE I sAt thE tEst....
i Saw sOMEthIng SpINnIng AroUnd....
I alSo hAviNG HEaDAChE THAt tiMe.....
luCkiLy nOw AlL THe TESt wE FInISh sAT.....
NOw reLax-InG~ ^^
bY tHE wAy.... We fiNisHED sAt alL thE teSt...
mEans We goIng tO siT FOr fInaL SoOn....
sOb T.T
Sunday, August 9, 2009
feEliNg baD~
actUalLy nothIng wANT tO WRItE TOday....
bUt i dUnNo whY i FeEliNg baD toDay....
sO i Came hEre tO expResS It....
yeSteRdaY afTerNoOn i JusT fInISheD ThE ECoNomY prESEntaTion scRipT.....
oN thE wAY tO fiNisH It....
SOmeTHinG pOp ouT in My mInD~
tHe feEliNg suCks acTuaLly....
iT maKes Me No MOod tO cONTiNUe it....
tHat iS....
i KeEp oN askIng mYseLf....
ACtuaLly whY suPpoSe i Do eveRythIng fOR THeM?....
JusT BecauSe i'm giRl anD thEy R guYS?
oR beCause Girl Can dO soMethIng mOrE GOod THan THe BOys?...
oR we DId Not CommUniCAtE wELl tO sEpAraTe thE joB?...
oR wE MAyBE lOSE ouT of TeaMwORK?....
I wanTed tO kNow THe REaSOn.....
anYboDy caN lEt mE knOW the SoluTion?....
reAllY feEliNg bAD siNCe yeSteRdaY uNTil Now.....
iS theRe a PLaCe foR me TO exPResS mY feEliNG buT is nOT here?.....
WhY thIS casE alWayS hAppEnt On mE?....
pRiMary scHoOL likE tHis...
SEcONDaRy scHoOl lIke THis AGaiN....
Now EvEN In UniVerSiTY..........
LiFE suCks..............
bUt i dUnNo whY i FeEliNg baD toDay....
sO i Came hEre tO expResS It....
yeSteRdaY afTerNoOn i JusT fInISheD ThE ECoNomY prESEntaTion scRipT.....
oN thE wAY tO fiNisH It....
SOmeTHinG pOp ouT in My mInD~
tHe feEliNg suCks acTuaLly....
iT maKes Me No MOod tO cONTiNUe it....
tHat iS....
i KeEp oN askIng mYseLf....
ACtuaLly whY suPpoSe i Do eveRythIng fOR THeM?....
JusT BecauSe i'm giRl anD thEy R guYS?
oR beCause Girl Can dO soMethIng mOrE GOod THan THe BOys?...
oR we DId Not CommUniCAtE wELl tO sEpAraTe thE joB?...
oR wE MAyBE lOSE ouT of TeaMwORK?....
I wanTed tO kNow THe REaSOn.....
anYboDy caN lEt mE knOW the SoluTion?....
reAllY feEliNg bAD siNCe yeSteRdaY uNTil Now.....
iS theRe a PLaCe foR me TO exPResS mY feEliNG buT is nOT here?.....
WhY thIS casE alWayS hAppEnt On mE?....
pRiMary scHoOL likE tHis...
SEcONDaRy scHoOl lIke THis AGaiN....
Now EvEN In UniVerSiTY..........
LiFE suCks..............
Friday, August 7, 2009
1st pReseNtatIon~
thE previOus wEdneSdaY wAs My 1st pReseNtatIon.....
thE prEseNtaTioN maDe uS sO dEprEsS...
becAusE wE nEed tO prEseNt iT in FronT of 180 Ppl....
sO scArY~
rEaLlY aNgRy oN tHAt dAy...
becAusE i keNa shOot oN thAt dAy...
iT Is sTilL in mY memOrY~
aFtEr prEsent ouR prOduCt- YD's CCTV...
thEre waS a Q &A sEssiOn...
stuDeNTs caN aSk anY queStiOn RelaTed tO ouR pRodUct...
i kenA shOot bY so mAny oF thEm...
caUsE I hoLdinG miC thAt tIme...
it Was mY tuRn tO aNSWeR EVeRY QuEsTIoN...
BuT ActuAlly iT is tHe jOb oF evEryboDy tO anSweR iT...
buT onLy mE 1 pERsoN stAnD in FronT anSweR thEir qUEstiOn~
soOb T.T
No boDy hElp mE thAt tiMe.....
i FelT waNt to ScoLd pPl thAt tiMe...
caUsE mY gRouP mEmbEr diN heLp mE thaT tiMe....
soMemOre fEel waN tO scOld Me baCk afTer thE prEseNtaTioN...
fElT waNt To puNch Ppl......
beCaRefUL thOSe whO shOot mE thAt tiMe...
i wILl sHoOt u bAcK wHen The tImE u aLl prEsenT.....
bEwaRe of Me.... i WilL bItE u ALl....
hEre I aTtAch sOmE pHotO~
thE prEseNtaTioN maDe uS sO dEprEsS...
becAusE wE nEed tO prEseNt iT in FronT of 180 Ppl....
sO scArY~
rEaLlY aNgRy oN tHAt dAy...
becAusE i keNa shOot oN thAt dAy...
iT Is sTilL in mY memOrY~
aFtEr prEsent ouR prOduCt- YD's CCTV...
thEre waS a Q &A sEssiOn...
stuDeNTs caN aSk anY queStiOn RelaTed tO ouR pRodUct...
i kenA shOot bY so mAny oF thEm...
caUsE I hoLdinG miC thAt tIme...
it Was mY tuRn tO aNSWeR EVeRY QuEsTIoN...
BuT ActuAlly iT is tHe jOb oF evEryboDy tO anSweR iT...
buT onLy mE 1 pERsoN stAnD in FronT anSweR thEir qUEstiOn~
soOb T.T
No boDy hElp mE thAt tiMe.....
i FelT waNt to ScoLd pPl thAt tiMe...
caUsE mY gRouP mEmbEr diN heLp mE thaT tiMe....
soMemOre fEel waN tO scOld Me baCk afTer thE prEseNtaTioN...
fElT waNt To puNch Ppl......
beCaRefUL thOSe whO shOot mE thAt tiMe...
i wILl sHoOt u bAcK wHen The tImE u aLl prEsenT.....
bEwaRe of Me.... i WilL bItE u ALl....
hEre I aTtAch sOmE pHotO~
~YD~ Ong Yew Sin (sTupId GrouP lEadeR... lEt mE shOot by Ppl & Din coVer mE =.=)
~Ng Wen Guang~
~Ng Wen Ge~
~Wong Hann You~
~Koh Sue Ann~
mE... ~Yip Kah Hui~
(sHoOtiNg bY peOPle =.=lll) ~AlL oF uS~
Sunday, August 2, 2009
iPoh 2nD trIp~
wakakakaka... i went to ipOh agaIn...
acTualLy thiS tiMes i Went thEre aGaIn wAs to bUy fOrmAl weAr...
sIncEreLy, i GoT my fOrmAl wEar AlrEadY...
bUt i nOt sAtiSfY iT... eSpeCIalLy thE shOes...=.=lll
sUdDentLy mY groUp's gUy sAiD waNnA Go bUy foRmal tOo sinCe hEre diD nOt soLd any fORMal wEAr...
sO i WenT toGetHer tOo witH mY buDdiEs... ~JiN yEe~
thE 1sT tiMe i Went To ipOh, i Saw a sHoeS WhiCh suIte tO wEar dUring prEseNtatIon...
bUt i dID Not buY iT... tHat Time I wAs reGreTed beCausE i dIn BuY It...==
fInalLy i HeaRd leCtuRer sAid we Got pReSenTatIon oN coMinG neXt fEw wEeK..
i rEaLy reGreAtEd Y i Did noT bUy tHe shOeS...
sO i sWeAr i WanT tO bUy It SiNCe it REallY suIteS me^^
tHe shOeS loOk liKe thIs~
acTualLy thiS tiMes i Went thEre aGaIn wAs to bUy fOrmAl weAr...
sIncEreLy, i GoT my fOrmAl wEar AlrEadY...
bUt i nOt sAtiSfY iT... eSpeCIalLy thE shOes...=.=lll
sUdDentLy mY groUp's gUy sAiD waNnA Go bUy foRmal tOo sinCe hEre diD nOt soLd any fORMal wEAr...
sO i WenT toGetHer tOo witH mY buDdiEs... ~JiN yEe~
thE 1sT tiMe i Went To ipOh, i Saw a sHoeS WhiCh suIte tO wEar dUring prEseNtatIon...
bUt i dID Not buY iT... tHat Time I wAs reGreTed beCausE i dIn BuY It...==
fInalLy i HeaRd leCtuRer sAid we Got pReSenTatIon oN coMinG neXt fEw wEeK..
i rEaLy reGreAtEd Y i Did noT bUy tHe shOeS...
sO i sWeAr i WanT tO bUy It SiNCe it REallY suIteS me^^
tHe shOeS loOk liKe thIs~
sEe~ hIgh hEel~ sO hIgH... bouT 3.5 inCheS
mY fRieNd~ YD aNd hAnn You
thE buSeS sO olD~ wE wAstE boUt 4 houR to gO anD bAck....
HaiZ... sIenS...
Friday, July 31, 2009
toDay mE wItH my FriEnd WenT to TesCo buY sTufF...
suDdenTly sOmeThiNg pOp oUt in My miNd...
i wAnteD tO mAKe sAlaD liKe stUfF tO eaT...
buT sAlAd haVe to BuY so mAny DIfFERenT tyPes of FruIt...
plUs iT is So hArD to CuT SO ManY frUit at A tiMe...
so I deCideD to MakE cOleSlaw... ^^
i bougHt a cAbbAge anD a CarrOt plUs a COlESLaw souRce...
i aLmoSt waSte My 1 hoUr tiMe tO fiNisH thE coLeSlAw...
swt =.=ll
buT tHerE iS a fEelIng iN mY mINd...
i LikE it sO muCh beCausE iT is doNe bY me...
haha ^^
soMemOre It iS niCe ah... wakakaka^^
thIs feW weEK reaLly BUsy...
we Have To rUsh ouR asSigNmEnt...
sOmemOre Test 2 is AroUnd thE coRner...
iT seEms moRe buSy fOr mE...
sO i mIghT not abLe to Make stuFf liKe thIS...
haIz... T.T
thE daY afTer toMoRroW, i haVe tO coNceNtrAte oN tesT liaO...
buT y thE daY afTer TomoRrow Ler? haha...
bEcaUse toMorRow i gO iPoh agAin... wakAKakA...^^
suDdenTly sOmeThiNg pOp oUt in My miNd...
i wAnteD tO mAKe sAlaD liKe stUfF tO eaT...
buT sAlAd haVe to BuY so mAny DIfFERenT tyPes of FruIt...
plUs iT is So hArD to CuT SO ManY frUit at A tiMe...
so I deCideD to MakE cOleSlaw... ^^
i bougHt a cAbbAge anD a CarrOt plUs a COlESLaw souRce...
i aLmoSt waSte My 1 hoUr tiMe tO fiNisH thE coLeSlAw...
swt =.=ll
buT tHerE iS a fEelIng iN mY mINd...
i LikE it sO muCh beCausE iT is doNe bY me...
haha ^^
soMemOre It iS niCe ah... wakakaka^^
thIs feW weEK reaLly BUsy...
we Have To rUsh ouR asSigNmEnt...
sOmemOre Test 2 is AroUnd thE coRner...
iT seEms moRe buSy fOr mE...
sO i mIghT not abLe to Make stuFf liKe thIS...
haIz... T.T
thE daY afTer toMoRroW, i haVe tO coNceNtrAte oN tesT liaO...
buT y thE daY afTer TomoRrow Ler? haha...
bEcaUse toMorRow i gO iPoh agAin... wakAKakA...^^
Sunday, July 26, 2009
yestErdAy wE weNt tO ipOh....
i'M so ForTunAteLy beCauSe i aBle to fOllOw peOplE's CaR....
bUt i ThiNk tHe oTheRs 2 wHo gOinG by bUs AlsO eNJoy THeIR TriP...

iN tHe cAr, wE toOk tHis PHotO...
whAt tHe... mY fAcE lOok sO RouNd..
jUsT LiKE A balL plUs The oTher siDe haVe shOrtEr haiR...
i hAte me iN tHis PhOto.
tHe 2 LoOk sO cUte AnD niCe bUt eXcePt me~ T.T
wE reAchEd thEre bOut 12pm...
dEn wE weNt tO meEt oUr fRieND wHo WeNt By buS...
wE haVe oUr lUncH At...(thiS iS bEttEr thAn kL De^^)

We dEn wEnt tO siNg k aT k Box...
wE haVe lOts Of fUn tHeRE BEcAUSe We haVe pROfeSsiOnaL sInGer THerE...
TWiNS so Pro In SIngiNg...

pro sIngIng~

2nD pRo sINgIng~

boTh of THem sIngiNg toGethER...
thIS maDe Us nOt dAre tO sIng bECauSe thEy rEaLly cAn sIng LiKe a sIngER...
zzzzzzzzzzzzz.............stRessFul~ haha^^
wE thEn wEnt to HaVe a MovIE... tHe MovIE TItLE "LAND OF THE LOST"
it Is sO funNy... evEn thE stOry iS sO FakE aND laME...^^
We THeN wEnt to haVE OUr DinnEr aT a nORmaL reStuaRanT...

me And jOnaThan~
eVEn it Is juSt norMal reStuAranT, buT tHe fOod is So niCe tO eaT...
tHe tHIng MadE Me so SufFer iS thE tiMe we Go baCk fRom iPoh tO kamPar...
cauSe wE 7 PeoPle pAck In a cAr... my FrIenD nEed to Sit On mY LeG ToO... o.O
luCkiLy mY fRienD Was nOt heavY n mY lEg diN nUMB aS whAt i Was ThOugH...
tHiS prOvE thaT My StAMiNa HAd impRovED.. Haha...
bOut 9 wE aRRiVed At KampaR... n cOntInUe oUr nExT PLan... FUNFARE!!!
haIz... fUnfAre ReaLlY bOrIng As WHaT I thouGht...
dAmN BoRed... iT ExPEnSivE sOmemOre... reAlLy "funfare boleh"...haha^^
ThEy wEnt tO riDe wAgoOn wHElL soMemOrE... =.=ll
wE tHen HavE oUr sUppEr at 12AM....

yaM chA~
I hAD a rOtI suSu aND lIMAu aIs tOo...
wHAt a tIRed jOurNeY... BuT I eNJoy iT alSo...
thE oNlY NOt PErFect In thIs JOuRNeY IS...
i FElT THeRE ArE SOMeTHiNG wRong haPpeNt On Me WIth My FrIend...
haiZ... soB
i'M so ForTunAteLy beCauSe i aBle to fOllOw peOplE's CaR....
bUt i ThiNk tHe oTheRs 2 wHo gOinG by bUs AlsO eNJoy THeIR TriP...

iN tHe cAr, wE toOk tHis PHotO...
whAt tHe... mY fAcE lOok sO RouNd..
jUsT LiKE A balL plUs The oTher siDe haVe shOrtEr haiR...
i hAte me iN tHis PhOto.
tHe 2 LoOk sO cUte AnD niCe bUt eXcePt me~ T.T
wE reAchEd thEre bOut 12pm...
dEn wE weNt tO meEt oUr fRieND wHo WeNt By buS...
wE haVe oUr lUncH At

We dEn wEnt tO siNg k aT k Box...
wE haVe lOts Of fUn tHeRE BEcAUSe We haVe pROfeSsiOnaL sInGer THerE...
TWiNS so Pro In SIngiNg...

pro sIngIng~

2nD pRo sINgIng~

boTh of THem sIngiNg toGethER...
thIS maDe Us nOt dAre tO sIng bECauSe thEy rEaLly cAn sIng LiKe a sIngER...
zzzzzzzzzzzzz.............stRessFul~ haha^^
wE thEn wEnt to HaVe a MovIE... tHe MovIE TItLE "LAND OF THE LOST"
it Is sO funNy... evEn thE stOry iS sO FakE aND laME...^^
We THeN wEnt to haVE OUr DinnEr aT a nORmaL reStuaRanT...

me And jOnaThan~
eVEn it Is juSt norMal reStuAranT, buT tHe fOod is So niCe tO eaT...
tHe tHIng MadE Me so SufFer iS thE tiMe we Go baCk fRom iPoh tO kamPar...
cauSe wE 7 PeoPle pAck In a cAr... my FrIenD nEed to Sit On mY LeG ToO... o.O
luCkiLy mY fRienD Was nOt heavY n mY lEg diN nUMB aS whAt i Was ThOugH...
tHiS prOvE thaT My StAMiNa HAd impRovED.. Haha...
bOut 9 wE aRRiVed At KampaR... n cOntInUe oUr nExT PLan... FUNFARE!!!
haIz... fUnfAre ReaLlY bOrIng As WHaT I thouGht...
dAmN BoRed... iT ExPEnSivE sOmemOre... reAlLy "funfare boleh"...haha^^
ThEy wEnt tO riDe wAgoOn wHElL soMemOrE... =.=ll
wE tHen HavE oUr sUppEr at 12AM....

yaM chA~
I hAD a rOtI suSu aND lIMAu aIs tOo...
wHAt a tIRed jOurNeY... BuT I eNJoy iT alSo...
thE oNlY NOt PErFect In thIs JOuRNeY IS...
i FElT THeRE ArE SOMeTHiNG wRong haPpeNt On Me WIth My FrIend...
haiZ... soB
eVen tHe dAy Had PasSed So lOng aGo, But i StIll wAn to ShaRe bOuT thAT...^^
i sTill cAN reMeMbeR thaT daY i Was sO exCitEd...
beCauSe tHat dAy we hAviNg ouR biOloGy pRacTicaL seSsiOn...
i hAve cHancE to WeaR mY laB coAt aGaIn~ WakakaKa....
bUt oNcE i sTudY mY laB maNuaL, i RealisEd thAt tHe exPerimEnt NoT SimpLe...
caUse wE havE to CuT CHICKEN LIVER!!!!!!!!!!
WalaO, sHocKed maN~ bUt sTIlL exCiTEd... hehe....
bUt onCe i wAlkeD intO the LaB...
i Can SmeLl thE sMelLy ChICkeN LivEr.... yUcks!!!!!!
bLoODy smElLy...
thE lIveR we Have to CuT inTo sMalLer piEceS toO... YuckS!!!!!!!!
lUcKiLy i nO nEed To cUt iT.. hAHa.. (pIty u lah Wen Ge^^)
tHe mOsT exCitEd pArt In ThiS exPerImeNt wAs ceNtRifUgAtIon...
tHe mAchIne rEalLy hUge... JusT lIKe A coMpUter MonItoR... (actually is larger than it)haha^^
hEre i AttAchEd sOme pHotO... uGly PhOto...
wIth CenTriFuged cHicKen LivEr... (vomiting~)

aFter TraNsFeRING~

bEfoRe trAnSferIng~
tHis ExpEriMent rEalLy dIsGustiNg... But wE maYbe cAnt Do tHe sAme ExpeRimEnt aGaiN in The FUtuRe...
WhiLe waItiNg tHe ceNtrIfuGaTion tO coMplEte, we dId aNOTher eXpeRimEnt...
aLso InvOlveD cHicKen LivER... T.T

tHe ouTpuT waS hEre...

mY teAm MAte~
eVen Now tHe exPerIMent sTilL cLeaR in My MInd~
~dIsGusTing ExpEriMeNt~
i sTill cAN reMeMbeR thaT daY i Was sO exCitEd...
beCauSe tHat dAy we hAviNg ouR biOloGy pRacTicaL seSsiOn...
i hAve cHancE to WeaR mY laB coAt aGaIn~ WakakaKa....
bUt oNcE i sTudY mY laB maNuaL, i RealisEd thAt tHe exPerimEnt NoT SimpLe...
caUse wE havE to CuT CHICKEN LIVER!!!!!!!!!!
WalaO, sHocKed maN~ bUt sTIlL exCiTEd... hehe....
bUt onCe i wAlkeD intO the LaB...
i Can SmeLl thE sMelLy ChICkeN LivEr.... yUcks!!!!!!
bLoODy smElLy...
thE lIveR we Have to CuT inTo sMalLer piEceS toO... YuckS!!!!!!!!
lUcKiLy i nO nEed To cUt iT.. hAHa.. (pIty u lah Wen Ge^^)
tHe mOsT exCitEd pArt In ThiS exPerImeNt wAs ceNtRifUgAtIon...
tHe mAchIne rEalLy hUge... JusT lIKe A coMpUter MonItoR... (actually is larger than it)haha^^
hEre i AttAchEd sOme pHotO... uGly PhOto...
wIth CenTriFuged cHicKen LivEr... (vomiting~)
aFter TraNsFeRING~
bEfoRe trAnSferIng~
tHis ExpEriMent rEalLy dIsGustiNg... But wE maYbe cAnt Do tHe sAme ExpeRimEnt aGaiN in The FUtuRe...
WhiLe waItiNg tHe ceNtrIfuGaTion tO coMplEte, we dId aNOTher eXpeRimEnt...
aLso InvOlveD cHicKen LivER... T.T
tHe ouTpuT waS hEre...
mY teAm MAte~
eVen Now tHe exPerIMent sTilL cLeaR in My MInd~
~dIsGusTing ExpEriMeNt~
Monday, July 20, 2009
nOt mE waNt U to woKe uP so EarlY de...
Is The lGf....
i tOld TheM u dUnwAn tO gO dEn tHey OnlY foRce u to Go....
nOt My fAulT...
pLuS, I dIn tHinK bOut tHe tWinS sTufF ok?...
Y U alL aLwAys TreAt mE lIke ThaT...
sOb T.T
HaiZ, 2moRo hAvInG mY 1sT prIncIplE oF eCoNomIc teSt...
i not ConFideNt To sIt the TesT...
i'M noW wAitinG tHe tIme to ComE...
tHe tIme ThaT WilL mAke Me hiGhly 'stRung'....
i'm nOW juSt wAitInG to Die...
bEcaUse i NeEd tO hAnd iN ouR aSsiGnmEnt bY thIs weEk...
toTal is BouT 2 aSsIgNmEnt anD 1 pRacTicAl rEpoRt nEEd to HanD iN By tHis WeeK...
thE daY bEfoRe thIS i Was sO buSy to PrepAre mY 1st PreSenTatIon...
evEryTimE i StaY aT mY frIenDs hoUse unTil MidniGht 12 or 1 o'clock...
i HavE tO cyCle BacK tOo eVen It iS sO daRk aNd i HavE no ChoIcE...
FiNAlly My pRenSentaTion wAs oVer In the AfTerNoon...
bUt thE otHer gOod nEWs IS i HAVINg MY eCon teSt 2mOrO...
hAiz... bUsY weEk...
nOt mE waNt U to woKe uP so EarlY de...
Is The lGf....
i tOld TheM u dUnwAn tO gO dEn tHey OnlY foRce u to Go....
nOt My fAulT...
pLuS, I dIn tHinK bOut tHe tWinS sTufF ok?...
Y U alL aLwAys TreAt mE lIke ThaT...
sOb T.T
HaiZ, 2moRo hAvInG mY 1sT prIncIplE oF eCoNomIc teSt...
i not ConFideNt To sIt the TesT...
i'M noW wAitinG tHe tIme to ComE...
tHe tIme ThaT WilL mAke Me hiGhly 'stRung'....
i'm nOW juSt wAitInG to Die...
bEcaUse i NeEd tO hAnd iN ouR aSsiGnmEnt bY thIs weEk...
toTal is BouT 2 aSsIgNmEnt anD 1 pRacTicAl rEpoRt nEEd to HanD iN By tHis WeeK...
thE daY bEfoRe thIS i Was sO buSy to PrepAre mY 1st PreSenTatIon...
evEryTimE i StaY aT mY frIenDs hoUse unTil MidniGht 12 or 1 o'clock...
i HavE tO cyCle BacK tOo eVen It iS sO daRk aNd i HavE no ChoIcE...
FiNAlly My pRenSentaTion wAs oVer In the AfTerNoon...
bUt thE otHer gOod nEWs IS i HAVINg MY eCon teSt 2mOrO...
hAiz... bUsY weEk...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Go baCk tO KL.....
oN The wAy gOiNg BacK tO KL...
i tOok tHesE pHotO... iT sO nIcE...
bUt On ThE waY gOinG bAcK tO KL...
i feLt tHat i hAve A wRonG dEciSiOn...
bEcAusE I Do HavE maNy aSsIgNmEnts anD pRenSenTatIoN....
aNd aLl mY frIeNds nOt fReE...
haIz... sAd...
thEre Are 1 sTroNg fEeliNg iN mY heArt...
i'm faLlIng iN loVe tO sOme1....
mY eYE kEep oN seArcHinG hIm whEn hE iS nOt aRouNd Me...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
i DeaD agAin iN tesT.....
somE moRe tHis TesT is My faVouRiTe sUbjEct- chEmiStRy!!!!!!!!!!!!
ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whAt The!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aCtuAlly i'M noT goIng To bLaMe anYonE
caUse I ALso dOnt knOw WhAt hAppEnt tO me.....
i jUst wAnt To scOre a More GoOd rEsuLt froM tHis ExpEriEncE.....
rEallY fElT bAd nOw.....
NoT hApPy nOw!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tHe oNly ThiNg i CaN dO nOw iS tO sTudY weLl fOr mY on cOmIng TesT.....
eSpeCiallY cOmpUtEr StuDies AnD EnGliSh!!!!!!!!!! iNclUdE prIncIplE oF eConOmiC too!!!!!!!
=.= (noW it Is onLy tHe 3 TesT lEft...) ( i sTarT tO cRaZy alReadY) (Be WaRe Of mE, i DonT knOw whAt wIll HaPpenT on NexT...) (lol)
sOob noW......T.T
Got aNy Way tO exPreSs mY feEliNg nOw?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
MatHeMatiC tEsT
thIs iS my FirSt tiMe knOw hOw To dO in MathS teSt...
eVen i KnoW hoW tO do, buT i sTilL caNt scOre fUll mARk fOr it.....
soOb.... T.T
is My cArelEss or I rEli dUnnO hOw To dO?
i osO duNno Wad HapPenT tO mE...
onCe afTer mAthS teSt, mY frEN ToLD Me OuR BiOLOgy tEst rEsulT aVaILAbLE n it iS aTtaChed oN nOtiCe boArd....
OH MY GODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My heArt aLomoSt sHut doWn whEn i Was dOing maThs teSt!!!!
noW u aLl wAn me To diE?.... i diN dID weLl iN my BioLogY teSt LarH!!!!!!!!!
sumMorE wAN tO seE markS? iF seE alReaDy, thE niGht SurE caNt SleEP...
becAusE toO "HAPPY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fINalLy wE stIlL weNt foR iT....
ThERe aRe nO nOtiCe foR it... so We sTilL duNnO ouR scOre Yet.... thaNk God
i'M so HapPy sIncE wE dUnNo Our maRks Yet... wakakakakakaka.......
hoPE NeXT feW teSt sTilL abLe sCorE hIgH maRks In iT......
maY goD blEss ME!!!!!!!!!!
thIs iS my FirSt tiMe knOw hOw To dO in MathS teSt...
eVen i KnoW hoW tO do, buT i sTilL caNt scOre fUll mARk fOr it.....
soOb.... T.T
is My cArelEss or I rEli dUnnO hOw To dO?
i osO duNno Wad HapPenT tO mE...
onCe afTer mAthS teSt, mY frEN ToLD Me OuR BiOLOgy tEst rEsulT aVaILAbLE n it iS aTtaChed oN nOtiCe boArd....
OH MY GODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My heArt aLomoSt sHut doWn whEn i Was dOing maThs teSt!!!!
noW u aLl wAn me To diE?.... i diN dID weLl iN my BioLogY teSt LarH!!!!!!!!!
sumMorE wAN tO seE markS? iF seE alReaDy, thE niGht SurE caNt SleEP...
becAusE toO "HAPPY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fINalLy wE stIlL weNt foR iT....
ThERe aRe nO nOtiCe foR it... so We sTilL duNnO ouR scOre Yet.... thaNk God
i'M so HapPy sIncE wE dUnNo Our maRks Yet... wakakakakakaka.......
hoPE NeXT feW teSt sTilL abLe sCorE hIgH maRks In iT......
maY goD blEss ME!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
bloOdy daY.... =.=
wHat tHe!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mY houSemAte iNviTe hEr frIend coMe ouR houSe to EaT duRiaN....
BLOODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dAmn sMellY lAh......
eVen I lIkE duRiaN, bUt I HaTE tHEm To EAt AT mY hOuSE...
ThE SmELL aCtuaLly caN CoMe inTo mY roOm tOo...
pluS thEy maKinG noiSe hERe... i tHiNk i caNt slEep toNighT agAin...
SWT lar =.=ll
i HatE mY selF.... i cAnt wAke uP oN tiMe!!!!!!!!
tHis MadE me So anGry toDay.....
mY phOne AlarM diN riNg loR!! blOodY!!!!!!!!!
tHis noOb pHonE caN tHroW inTo tRaSh bIn alReadY, peRhaPs.......
bUt I no MonEy tO bUy a NeW pHonE oH!!!!!
wHeN I waNt tO go Uni, i Saw t is gOIn to RaiN soOn...
so i Go bY shUtTle... lUCky I dO NoT NeED to wAit lOng tiMe...
HoHo..... by tHe tIme i Wan gO bacK aroUnd 6pm, nO shuTtLE Is AvaIlaBle...
WALAO, i waIt thEre 40 mins lOr... bLooDy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
toDay reLi hAPpeNt so MAny ThINGs ON me!!!
bLack Day.......
mY houSemAte iNviTe hEr frIend coMe ouR houSe to EaT duRiaN....
BLOODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dAmn sMellY lAh......
eVen I lIkE duRiaN, bUt I HaTE tHEm To EAt AT mY hOuSE...
ThE SmELL aCtuaLly caN CoMe inTo mY roOm tOo...
pluS thEy maKinG noiSe hERe... i tHiNk i caNt slEep toNighT agAin...
SWT lar =.=ll
i HatE mY selF.... i cAnt wAke uP oN tiMe!!!!!!!!
tHis MadE me So anGry toDay.....
mY phOne AlarM diN riNg loR!! blOodY!!!!!!!!!
tHis noOb pHonE caN tHroW inTo tRaSh bIn alReadY, peRhaPs.......
bUt I no MonEy tO bUy a NeW pHonE oH!!!!!
wHeN I waNt tO go Uni, i Saw t is gOIn to RaiN soOn...
so i Go bY shUtTle... lUCky I dO NoT NeED to wAit lOng tiMe...
HoHo..... by tHe tIme i Wan gO bacK aroUnd 6pm, nO shuTtLE Is AvaIlaBle...
WALAO, i waIt thEre 40 mins lOr... bLooDy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
toDay reLi hAPpeNt so MAny ThINGs ON me!!!
bLack Day.......
Sunday, July 5, 2009
whAt a BorIng dAy
lAst tIme wHen i'm Still sTay aT KL,
i usUAllY enJoy My WEeKend LifE bY goIng oUt whOle dAy...
buT sInce i'm at KAMPAR hEre, weEkeNd oNly cAn sTay aT hoStEl or go FrieNds hOuse To dIscuSs asSignMenT oR tUtorIal....
lIfE iS sPeEcHleSs....
lAst TimE STiLL eNjOY LIfE At KL..
bUt nOw onLy cAn stAy in HosTel, nO whEre tO go...
oR eVen sOmetiMe nO tIme tO too...
cauSe gOt tEst afTerWarD, We caNt ouT...
sOmeTimE bUsy uNtiL No tiMe to ExERCise tOo...
sUch A bIg dIffEreNt..... KL & KAMPAR~
bUt tOdaY's liFe sTilL conSideR as Not Bad..
CauSe i wEnt Out To sEe suNseT aT wEstLake...
rEallY bEautIful sUnsET.....
evEn moRninG unTil aFteRnoOn is DoiNg tUtoRial
bUt onCe i Saw tHe sUnsEt, i FeLt frEe
aT thAt moMenT, i rEallY fOrgEt alL mY sTufF aboUt UNI
lAter Go For tEa tOo, wakakakaka.....
Saturday, July 4, 2009
AZa AzA FIghTinG....

haIz... TodAY whOle daY diScusS ouR aSsIgnmEnt....
wE usEd almOst 6 hOur tO disCusS, bUt fiNally onLy 1 oUtpUt...
tHat iS eNGLish MinD maP....
wHole dAy onLy finIshed 1 asSigNmeNt...
SIEN ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
buT tHe gooD thinG iS
iN tHe pRocess We diScussiNg AssIgnMent,
wE haD aLot Of fUn oVer TheRe...
i lEarNed a lot oF nEw laNguAge.. muAhaHaHa.....
So fuNnY... ^.^
bY tHe waY, wE hAve tO pUt mOre EffOrt on Our StuDy,
iF noT, we wIll haVing bIg prObLEm aFter All....
Friday, July 3, 2009
bUsy LiFe iN UniVeRsiTy
Today is the 1st post in my little blog...
just wanted to express my feeling in blog...
HopE thaT I wont FeeL so DePress ANymoRe...
a Small tIttle-<What a Busy Life in University>
When I was StilL stUdying High sChool,
i Tot My lifE wiLl StarTed tO cHange oNce i Get into UnivErsity or College.
yA! My LIfE IS tOtally ChangEd!
bEcome More StrEss & More DepRess...
EveRybody bUsy arOund tO do tHeir assIgnment and What Ever tHey ThInk iS imaPortanT tO them.
The liFe is Just bUsy, but TherE Are eXcuses WHen u MeEt soMethIng inTereSting In iT...
sO i tHink I Will enJoy mY liFe iN uNiverSitY aS loNg aS goT fRiENds suPpoRtiNg u...
ThaNks a Lot To mY beLoveD frIend... I meT thEm, tHey HeLp Me a loT..
iN sHort, FriEnd iS so ImpOrtaNt.
tHey wiLl sUppOrt u ForeVer wHateVer u tRy to dO.
So, tHanKs a Lot My fRienDs... Not onLy thE unIveRsiTy fRienDs, buT aLso FRIENDS..........
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