i sTill cAN reMeMbeR thaT daY i Was sO exCitEd...
beCauSe tHat dAy we hAviNg ouR biOloGy pRacTicaL seSsiOn...
i hAve cHancE to WeaR mY laB coAt aGaIn~ WakakaKa....
bUt oNcE i sTudY mY laB maNuaL, i RealisEd thAt tHe exPerimEnt NoT SimpLe...
caUse wE havE to CuT CHICKEN LIVER!!!!!!!!!!
WalaO, sHocKed maN~ bUt sTIlL exCiTEd... hehe....
bUt onCe i wAlkeD intO the LaB...
i Can SmeLl thE sMelLy ChICkeN LivEr.... yUcks!!!!!!
bLoODy smElLy...
thE lIveR we Have to CuT inTo sMalLer piEceS toO... YuckS!!!!!!!!
lUcKiLy i nO nEed To cUt iT.. hAHa.. (pIty u lah Wen Ge^^)
tHe mOsT exCitEd pArt In ThiS exPerImeNt wAs ceNtRifUgAtIon...
tHe mAchIne rEalLy hUge... JusT lIKe A coMpUter MonItoR... (actually is larger than it)haha^^
hEre i AttAchEd sOme pHotO... uGly PhOto...
wIth CenTriFuged cHicKen LivEr... (vomiting~)
aFter TraNsFeRING~
bEfoRe trAnSferIng~
tHis ExpEriMent rEalLy dIsGustiNg... But wE maYbe cAnt Do tHe sAme ExpeRimEnt aGaiN in The FUtuRe...
WhiLe waItiNg tHe ceNtrIfuGaTion tO coMplEte, we dId aNOTher eXpeRimEnt...
aLso InvOlveD cHicKen LivER... T.T
tHe ouTpuT waS hEre...
mY teAm MAte~
eVen Now tHe exPerIMent sTilL cLeaR in My MInd~
~dIsGusTing ExpEriMeNt~
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