acTualLy thiS tiMes i Went thEre aGaIn wAs to bUy fOrmAl weAr...
sIncEreLy, i GoT my fOrmAl wEar AlrEadY...
bUt i nOt sAtiSfY iT... eSpeCIalLy thE shOes...=.=lll
sUdDentLy mY groUp's gUy sAiD waNnA Go bUy foRmal tOo sinCe hEre diD nOt soLd any fORMal wEAr...
sO i WenT toGetHer tOo witH mY buDdiEs... ~JiN yEe~
thE 1sT tiMe i Went To ipOh, i Saw a sHoeS WhiCh suIte tO wEar dUring prEseNtatIon...
bUt i dID Not buY iT... tHat Time I wAs reGreTed beCausE i dIn BuY It...==
fInalLy i HeaRd leCtuRer sAid we Got pReSenTatIon oN coMinG neXt fEw wEeK..
i rEaLy reGreAtEd Y i Did noT bUy tHe shOeS...
sO i sWeAr i WanT tO bUy It SiNCe it REallY suIteS me^^
tHe shOeS loOk liKe thIs~
sEe~ hIgh hEel~ sO hIgH... bouT 3.5 inCheS
mY fRieNd~ YD aNd hAnn You
thE buSeS sO olD~ wE wAstE boUt 4 houR to gO anD bAck....
HaiZ... sIenS...
erm.... ur shoes is nice... i think u enjoyed ur trip... hahax....