thE prEseNtaTioN maDe uS sO dEprEsS...
becAusE wE nEed tO prEseNt iT in FronT of 180 Ppl....
sO scArY~
rEaLlY aNgRy oN tHAt dAy...
becAusE i keNa shOot oN thAt dAy...
iT Is sTilL in mY memOrY~
aFtEr prEsent ouR prOduCt- YD's CCTV...
thEre waS a Q &A sEssiOn...
stuDeNTs caN aSk anY queStiOn RelaTed tO ouR pRodUct...
i kenA shOot bY so mAny oF thEm...
caUsE I hoLdinG miC thAt tIme...
it Was mY tuRn tO aNSWeR EVeRY QuEsTIoN...
BuT ActuAlly iT is tHe jOb oF evEryboDy tO anSweR iT...
buT onLy mE 1 pERsoN stAnD in FronT anSweR thEir qUEstiOn~
soOb T.T
No boDy hElp mE thAt tiMe.....
i FelT waNt to ScoLd pPl thAt tiMe...
caUsE mY gRouP mEmbEr diN heLp mE thaT tiMe....
soMemOre fEel waN tO scOld Me baCk afTer thE prEseNtaTioN...
fElT waNt To puNch Ppl......
beCaRefUL thOSe whO shOot mE thAt tiMe...
i wILl sHoOt u bAcK wHen The tImE u aLl prEsenT.....
bEwaRe of Me.... i WilL bItE u ALl....
hEre I aTtAch sOmE pHotO~
~YD~ Ong Yew Sin (sTupId GrouP lEadeR... lEt mE shOot by Ppl & Din coVer mE =.=)
~Ng Wen Guang~
~Ng Wen Ge~
~Wong Hann You~
~Koh Sue Ann~
mE... ~Yip Kah Hui~
(sHoOtiNg bY peOPle =.=lll) ~AlL oF uS~
lol... normal la... d guys stood der doing nth... hahax... shooted by ppl oso nice la... hahax... betta than me answering d ques terbeliak...